A Publication of the Richmond Chapter
of the International Order of St. Luke the Physician
An ecumenical Service of Healing is offered every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. in the
All Saints’ Chapel,
8787 River Road , Richmond , Virginia 23229
A couple of reminders:
Thursday, June 7, noon Bro John Ogle – Intercessory Prayer Class
Thursday, June 21, 6:00 p.m. Annual Picnic at Roslyn
Thursday, July 12 – August 23, No Agenda Fellowship Brown Bag Lunches
Thursday, September 13, 7:00 p.m. The Rev. Dr. Sandra Levy – dinner at 6:00 p.m.
You do not have to be a member of the Order of St. Luke to attend a 10:30 a.m.,Thursday Healing Service or one of the monthly meetings. Visitors are always welcome.
Beginning June 7 at noon, Bro. John Ogle, who is a vowed Solitary First Order Franciscan Friar whose bridge ministry is Christian Healing, will teach a three-week class on intercessory prayer in the All Saints Library. If you have ever wanted to feel comfortable praying for someone, this class will help prepare you. The class will begin promptly at noon and will last about 30 minutes. If you would like to bring a brown-bag lunch, please do so. For more information, please call Jacque Womble at 358-3344. There is no charge for this class.
The Annual OSL picnic is Thursday, June 21, 6:00 p.m. at Roslyn,
8727 River Rd. Richmond , Va. 23229
. The screened in picnic shelter is near the main entrance. This is a potluck picnic. Please call Jacque at 358-3344 if you plan to attend and what you would like to bring.
Beginning July 12 through August 23, OSL members and guests will meet for a fellowship brown bag lunch in the All Saints Library. There is no agenda. It is a come when you can and chat perhaps about a book you have recently read, trip you have taken, a spiritual concern or how your garden is producing.